Krishno Bole

Translating a devotional song from Bangla to English

4 min readAug 26, 2024
Sri Krishna and Radha Maa. (Credit: Pinterest)

August 26, 2024 (Janmashtami)

Namaste! Om tat sat.

Thank you for dropping in!

Today is Janmashtami, a day considered auspicious by Sanatanis (Hindus) all across the world, the day when Lord Krishna, an avatar of Lord Vishnu was born many years ago. As a part of my service to Sri Krishna, today I have decided to translate this beautiful bhajan (devotional song), sung in Bangla, for the English-knowing people to understand. This bhajan is sung by Pausali Banerjee. Its name is “Krishno Bole” and you can find the YouTube link given below:

A bhajan is a devotional song sung with a sentiment of love for the Divine. Bhajans are sung in vernacular which may or may not have a reference in the core scriptures of Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism. In this case, its an imagination about how Sri Krishna and Radha Mata would sometimes speak with each other.

Krishno Bole


Krishna bole- Aamar Radha bodon tule chav.

(Krishna says/requests- My dear Radha, please keep your chin up and show me your face…)

Aar Radha bole- Keno miche aamar jalao? Maari nijer jalaye!

(And Radha says- Why are you troubling me so much? I already have my own troubles to worry about!)


Krishna bole- Radha, duto praner kotha koi.

(Krishna says/requests- Dear Radha, lets have a heart-to-heart talk.)

Aar Radha bole- Ekhon tate motei raji noi! Saro dhonaye mori!

(And Radha says- I am not at all in a mood to have a heartful talk with you! I am dying in the smoke of all this!)


Krishno bole- Shobai bole aamar mohan benu!

(Krishna says- Everyone says that my flute is sweet!)

Aar Radha bole- Oho, shune aami more genu! Aamaye dhoro, dhoro!

(And Radha says sarcastically- Oho! I am dead! Somebody please hold me! Hold me!)


Krishno bole- Pitodhora bole aamaye shobe!

(Krishna says- Everyone says that I am Vishnu, who wears yellow garments!)

Aar Radha bole- Bote holo moksh labhti tave, thakar khava dava!

(And Radha says- If that is so, then people around you have already gained liberation and there is no need to eat or sleep for them!)


Krishno bole- Aamar rupe tribhuvon ti aalo.

(Krishna says- My presence is the sole source of light in all the three worlds!)

Aar Radha bole- Tabu jodi na hote mish kalo. Roop to chhapiye pore!

(And Radha says- Had your colour been fairer, I would have believed you! Your darkness is spilling over like boiling milk!)

(Note- The Divine is both dark as well as light in Sanatana Dharma. The outer space is dark while the source of light is luminous, both of which indicates the Divine.)


Krishno bole- Aamar roope mugdho brojobala!

(Krishna says- The Braj boys are enchanted on my looks!)

Aar Radha bole- Ghoom hochhe na, ei to bhaari jala! Taate aamar-i ki!

(And Radha says- So much that they are not able to sleep, it’s really troublesome! Anyway, what does that have to do with me?)


Krishno bole- Radha, tomar kii baa charu kesh!

(Krishna says- Radha, your hair is so charming!)

Aar Radha bole- Krishno tomar pochhondo ta besh. Sheita bolte hobe!

(And Radha says- Krishna, your choice is indeed nice! One has to accept this fact!)


Krishno bole- Radha tomar deho shornolota!

(Krishna says- Radha, your body is tender and glowing like a golden, supple tendril!)

Aar Radha bole- Krishno, tomar khasha mishti kotha! Jeno shudha jhore!

(And Radha says- Krishna, your words are extremely sweet like amrit/honey dripping from your mouth!)


Krishno bole- Emon varna dekhe ni to kobhu!

(Krishna says- I have never ever seen a skin-tone like yours ever!)

Aar Radha bole- Hain, aaj shaban makheni tobu! Noile aaro shada!

(And Radha says- Yes! Even though I didn’t apply a soap today!)


Krishno bole- Tomar kaache roti kothaye laage?

(Krishna says- You are so beautiful that you don’t even need precious gems!)

Aar Radha bole- Ei shob kotha bollei hoto aage! Gol to meetei jeto!

(And Radha says- You could have said all this before! Then, there wouldn’t have been this issue at all!)


Radha-Krishner milan holo jhogda-bipod sheshe.

(Radha Krishna became lovers again after a short trifle.)

Shobai mile Hori bolo prem bhalo beshe!

(Everyone, invoke “Hari”, together, with full love!)

Divine names-

Hori Horao namo Krishno Jadobayo namo o

Jadobayo Madhobayo Keshobayo namo

Gopal Gobindo naam Sri Modhusudan

Giridhari Gopi-naath Madonomohan!

Note- A heartfelt thanks to my mother who explained the bhajan to me and a spiritual brother who helped me in translating and understanding the bhajan.

Happy Janmashtami to everyone!

Thank you! Om tat sat!

-Sushree Chitra Om




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