Ah! This has happened with me so many times! There is an ever moving traffic right infront of my home and so many times, I have to leave my aasan and attend to the ringing doorbell or somebody calling me😂😂 ...it used to make me mad. But now, I have accepted that I am a grihasthi. So, even if I have to get up in middle of my japa, puja etc...I do so and the again proceed to sit down at my aasan and continue what I left. 😇 I understand that the people who call me i middle of my puja call me for some purpose and their intention is good (mostly). And sometimes they proceed to pin point it saying how careless I am to leave my studies and give give much time for puja! They exaggerate it 🤔 never understood how half an hour becomes 2 hours for them.And I have noticed that the doorbells and their calls make me irritable, so I need to work on that. Also, I am most irritated by people when they don't talk to me niceky! I really need to get over petty words! People will be people, they are born people so they will act people....I need to work on myself...🤔❤😇
Mommy, my pranaam, my love. ❤❤😘