My Ishta (#WriteWithSriDevi)
I offer my obeisance to Shri Hari, my guru.
With respect to Shri Maa’s post- Who or What Do You Mean by “God”?
My ishta is Maa Lalita. I love Her and Her energy. One day, She appeared in a dream and I fell for everything that She is! (In the photo-prompt of this week, I associate the golden, bright rays emerging from the heart-shaped sun to Maa Lalita and it is Kailash range below it!)
I had written a poem (Lalitambike- 1) in Her honor previously but many a time, I contemplated on writing something in prose too and today, I will write a little more for Her based on that very dream.
It was a huge expanse of endless darkness that lay before me and exactly at the centre was a sole source of light- You. Maa, I saw that you are self-illumined! Even from that far off distance Maa, I knew that You were looking at me, a little soul hungry for Your love. I knew your gaze was at me, You were watching me, unblinking! Sitting with your back straight on your spectacular throne, Maa, You were the point source shooting out all light and love! Your gaze, Your look, Maa I couldn’t help but run towards you! How would I not? How could I hold myself back? I ran and ran towards you in that expanse of splendid blackness.
That darkness was what I was not used to. I was a little scared as I couldn’t even see where I was standing! It felt like a jet-black night was surrounding me from everywhere. It was so dark, so black that I couldn’t spot myself either! It was a mysterious darkness with nothing in it- no star, no moon, no sun. Initially, in that darkness, I fumbled to see my body somehow, but no; My entire body was mixed in that darkness itself. That day there were two of us- You and me. And Maa, my heart was pulled towards You like an iron dust to a humongous magnet!
I was standing far away from You. So, I could see you but hazily. I wasn’t able to see Your face, Your body but from afar itself Maa, I was awestruck at your breath-taking symmetry! There is no greater attraction than You! I cried and I ran towards You. I was just running towards You like a mad child unaware of its surroundings! I didn’t care where my foot was falling, I just took to my heels with the best of my ability, to be with You! Maa, that day I realized that midst everything, You are my only hope! What else could I do when all else was gobbled up in blackness and nothingness?
Well, till then, I had heard that You wear a red sari but Maa that day you were wearing a green one, sitting magnificently on your throne! Maa, even now, when I remember that scene, I have tears in my eyes! You were sitting with such a splendour that no one else can ever match! What an authority You hold! What a royalty! I had no chance but to gaze at You! I was going mad for You!
Maa, what to say about Your feet? I saw them having a pinkish hue. Your left foot was softly touching the dark ground of everything below You and the right one was folded on Your throne, in front of You. Your foot, Maa! It had a curve of love! A beauty beyond words. Your ankles were covered with Your sari and I still can’t fathom how can anyone drape a sari so beautifully? From afar itself, I could see those spectacular folds and turns of that unearthly fabric you wore! That green Sari!
What to say about Your radiance, Maa? It was bright, shiny and soft. It glowed beautifully. I saw the tip of the sugarcane glowing away in a golden light! Your flowers, goad and noose, all gleaming in a fiery golden hue as if getting consumed in Your glory, declaring to the entire world with their stark brightness- ‘Here comes Maa! Here comes Maa!’ It was so shiny that I couldn’t even spot your fingers curling around them! I was awed by Your miraculous shine!
Jagdamba, the luminescence of the crown You wore felt like fire! Brilliant! And Maa, I ran with my little body towards You in that vast ocean of darkness with a singular thought, “Maa!” What else will a child do? Maa, You alone are my Refuge, my love, my Mother! Please Maa, keep me with you!
Joy Maa!