Laziness is a tamsik disease and if I don’t bring my attention to it immediately, it will eventually stagnate all spheres of my life depriving me of fulfilment of any kind. A diseased person when knows and accepts that she/he is sick, finally makes an appointment with the physician. The physician then analyses the sick person to give proper medication. Hence, we see that knowing, accepting and analyzing are three different things.
I knew I have been lazy, so, I made a vow to KICK OUT LAZINESS and accepted that it needs to get out of my system because laziness and procrastination make me feel anxious and frustrated. To observe how I spend my time, I started maintaining the lazy sheet, which helped me analyze my activity. Since each person has a different story, these are the reasons I found are making me lazy-
· A mental escape: I have noticed that whenever there is a difficult question, my reflex action would be to bang the book shut and plug into songs. Instead of pushing myself further, I caught myself escaping the challenge.
· Excuses: I know that I have to do a particular task but my mind would stress on excuses to give up. It brings up unrelated issues so that it could escape the challenge and be at an ease which later brings in an anxiety of unfinished task and procrastination.
· The lazy-addict: Laziness is an addiction. I gave myself an off for a day and boy! How a single day off became a row of off-days! My mind wants everything easy but it needs to be taught a lesson. Had I not been maintaining my lazy-sheet, I would have missed the count of days being wasted in unproductivity!
· Moody attitude: My mood swings are sudden. It is a big hurdle to my consistency.
· Lack of self-confidence: Growing up, I did not feel much appreciated for my small achievements. So, over the years, the fire of ‘Go, get it!” has diminished. I feel that even if I make it through, it won’t make a difference. So, giving up and being hopeless has become quite a habit. I really need to get out of this toxic loop! Self-motivation has to be inculcated.
· Nutrition factor: Thanks to Sushree Diya Om ji for pointing out at this issue. I do think that I need to get myself checked regarding my lethargy which perhaps is due to some nutritional issue.
I am on a war against myself to KICK OUT LAZINESS and procrastination. It has been nine days of maintaining the lazy sheet. I am not much happy with my meagre progress; I could have done better. So, to get my mind out of its comfort zone, I have placed a little punishment for myself- wake up at 4:30 a.m. for five days.
More posts on my “lazy” journey coming up.
(Published- January 10, 2023)