The story of Gritsamad
Continuation from the previous story in this series- Lord Ganesha- 9
(Sri Maa had pointed out at a great error in the previous post that I had written. I am republishing this post with suitable changes. Thank you, Maa!)
The saint was oblivious to all that happened but for the Divine, nothing ever is and Nature too played along.
Indira, the king in heaven (in Sanatana Dharma, heaven is located below the eternal abode of the Supreme Divine) wished to set things in motion. He took the form of Rukmangad and came to the ashram and fulfilled the queen’s desire for a union with the handsome king Rukmangad, not knowing it was Indra, the in charge of heaven. {Another understanding of the story is that a person who had received Lord Indra’s grace resembled King Rukmangad. He came as per the instructions of Lord Indra to set things into motion in the grand scheme or things. Or maybe, this one was just another man resembling Rukmangad and he saw an opportunity and came into the ashram.}
The union of the two resulted in the birth of a bright child to the wife of the sage, whom they named Gritsamad. He had an awe inspiring intellect. He would sit for hours with the other saints and debate on the scriptures. He was lauded for his intelligence but soon, ego took over him. One day, in order to show off his superiority over others, he cut short a saint and spoke what he wanted to say. The looming ego followed by disrespect angered the saint and he finally broke the truth to him, “You are not the son of your father who is a saint! You are the son of Rukmangad with whom your mother once engaged!”
This came as a sheer shock for Rukmangad! Never in his dreams did he imagine that and he felt his world crashing before him. He got up from his seat and rushed to his mother to confront her. At first, she tried to dodge the question but alter the truth came out. Shattered with his ego hurt, Gritsamad cursed his own mother who had hidden his identity for so long, telling lies all this while, “You will live a life of sorry for your own karma!”
Gritsamad left his home and went away into a jungle to do intense penance. After a few years of strict discipline and fervent devotion, he had the realization that he indeed was the son of Lord Indra as his grace was immense upon him! He went further deep into his sadhana and started worshipping Lord Ganesha with one pointed concentration on Him alone and his mouth only chanted Lord Ganesha’s mantra.
Years went by but Gritsamad didn’t give up. As the challenges increased so did his relentless persistence on his path. His devotion shook the heart of Lord Ganesha and he descended on Earth for the sake of his devotee.
A bright light sparkled before him. It began to loom large and larger with the shine of a thousand huge suns! Lord Ganesha’s crown had the moon as a jewel and on his earlobes hung two huge betelnut leaves as ear rings. A garland of lotus surrounded his neck most delicately and a snake wrapped itself around the universe-like magnificent body of Lord Ganesha like a thread. He was riding a fierce lion.
Gritsamad was enraptured by the giant figure of the Lord, forgetting even the sense of his pwn body! He forgot to blink. The more he looked at the beautiful Lord, the more he was mesmerized. Breaking the ice, Lord said, “Ask for anything.”
What can a small devotee ask for when the Lord himself has arrived? Gratsamad said, “Lord, what is there to ask for anymore? My pranaam to you! Please bless each soul that comes here hereafter!”
The Lord granted his wish and since then, the place is known as Ganeshpur.
Gritsamad’s story is that of a journey from ego to self-realization. When an individual is ready to let go of one’s ego and puts in enough efforts, then that person becomes a fertile soil for the Divine to work on!
Note- It is said that Lord Ganesha bestows riddhi, siddhi and buddhi on his devotee. Riddhi means material accomplishments, siddhi means spiritual accomplishments and buddhi means intellect. Furthermore, He makes a devotee reach to the very end, that is, self realisation!