Lord Ganesha- 4

The story of King Somakant

5 min readSep 7, 2024
Photo by Unfold Memory on Unsplash

September 7, 2024 (Ganesh Chaturthi)

Om Ganeshaya Namah!

My obeisance to LordGanesha!

To gather the merit of good karma, listening to or reading about the stories of the Divine is one such way. Ganesh Puran is a part of laghu purana or short purana (a documentation of history). This Purana was first revealed by Lord Brahma to Sage Ved Vyasa who in turn revealed it to Sage Bhrigu and like that, the holy stories of Lord Ganesha were passed down for the humanity to learn and benefit form.

In the kingdom of Saurashtra was a just king named Somakant who resided in its capital city of Devanagar. The love and care that he had for his subjects was like that of a parent. King Somakant was indeed a righteous king who knew the Vedas, weaponry and under his successful leadership, royal treasury gleamed like Kubera’s gold! As much as he loved his kingdom, he doted upon his beautiful wife named Sudharma with whom he had a son, Hemakant.

All was good, people were happy but as his youth faded, a deadly disease started to take over him. His skin began to rot, the stink kept the people away. Those people who used to greet with a smile now dreaded to come near him. So, the noble king handed over the kingdom to his son and decided to go away into a forest for the rest of his life and his wife accompanied him.

While walking across the tedious path of the forest, King Somakant met Chyavan, the son of Sage Bhrigu. After exchanging some basic pleasantries and identity, Chyavan took them to the ashram of the sage where he took a bath, had some food and slept for a night.

The king knew about the way one ought to behave in front of an enlightened being no matter how high or low a person is in the society. He got up early in the morning, took a bath and with humility prostrated in front of the sage. Folding his hands, he looked at Sage Bhrigu and asked, “I have tried to live my life as per dharma yet I have stooped down to this condition. What is the reason, Gurudev?”

The sage closed his eyes to look into his inner vision. After a few moments, he slowly opened his lids, looked at an unknown point in front of him and said, “It’s because of your past life karma.” The king’s eyes widened and the sage continued, “In previous lifetime, you were born into a traders’ family at Kaulhaar Village near Vindhyachal. You were married to a dutiful wife named Sulochana and had a son named Kaamad. You were inclined to do bad karma due to such bent of mind. Stealing, speaking harshly, threatening people to make your own way out was a norm for you. These were your daily tasks and the moment your parents died, such deeds increased multifold as you were no longer bound by anybody. You turned cruel, murdering and looting people for wealth and that became your habit, your livelihood.”

The king was watching the sage speak attentively. Sage Bhrigu further said, “You were young, had the strength of the body and one day, you chose your victim- an innocent priest named Gunavardhak. He was newly married and was on his way to meet his wife who was then at her parents’ home. He pleaded to you with all his strength, tried to dissuade you from killing an innocent soul but your cruelty knew no bounds. You killed him, plundered whatever little he had. And when the news of your deeds reached the king, as a punishment, he banished you out of the kingdom.”

Sage Bhrigu continued, “At that point, you were alone. You walked on into the woods, thirsty and hungry, cursing life. Your feet were tired, your breath heavy, nobody was around you and suddenly, you came in front of a vigraha (life like idol) of Lord Ganesha. God knows which good karma of past life emerged and you developed an instant devotional sentiment for that murti! The looted money you had carried, you used it to beautify that temple, you worshipped the vigraha with whatever knowledge you had until the God of Death, Yamaraj approached you!

Through his own record, Yamaraj looked at your karma of life and said that you had done both paap (sin) and punya (good karma). Hence, you had to experience the fruits of both in the upcoming life. The Yamaraj gave you the choice to either enjoy the good karma or suffer the bad karma first in the next life to which you chose enjoyment of good karma first.

Your soul’s choice led you to be born in a rich, royal home but that time period is now over. This disease has taken over you because now you are suffering your own karma as done in previous life.”

The king looked at the sage with an expression of suspicion and immediately, many birds came out of their hiding in the nearby trees and started piercing their pointy beaks at the king’s body. He shrieked and asked the sage to help him. Sage Bhrigu chanted a mantra, clapped a little and the birds disappeared back into the canopy of the trees.

“I am sitting in the ashram, dear Sage, how come I am hurt in this divine place?” asked the king.

The sage replied, “No matter where you go, you carry your karma baggage. I am a person who has always spoken the truth and when you suspect, disrespect or respect any truthful and enlightened soul, Nature responds likewise as it thinks appropriate! This was your own karma and its result, dear king.”

The king fell at his feet and requested him to show him a way ahead. Sage Bhrigu said, “You naturally have a grace of Lord Ganesha, go and invoke Sri Ganesh with all devotion!” The King did as was told to.

Shive Vishnou ch Shatou ch soorye mayi naraadhipa

Yo bhedbuddhiryogah sa samyagyogo mato mam

The being who doesn’t see a difference between Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, Lord Surya, Mother Shakti and me (Sri Ganesh) is alone capable of being one with the Divine.

May we learn from the story of King Somakant and devote our lives to the Divine! Om tat sat!

-Chitra Om




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