Lord Narsimha, Maa Kali and the Guru- 2
September 13, 2024
Continued from Part 1 here
A few days later, I had a video call with my spiritual friends or siblings who had been initiated by Sri Maa too. My lovely brother Brahmachari Ashutosh Om joined the call as well. I wasn’t expecting them to pick up a random call but due to Divine grace, they did.
Wow! I was seeing them after a long while and it was so beautiful to catch up with them after so long! We started speaking about our spiritual journey and how we missed Sri Maa but and at the same time, our love grew for her! We remembered that Sri Maa had compassionately pointed out at our accumulated negative karma due to Guru Ninda whose gravity we weren’t understanding before.
Brahmachari Ashutosh then disclosed from his experience and from what he had read- that Guru Ninda, if committed, leads one to deviate from spiritual path or responsibilities. Guru Ninda means disrespect towards the Guru or the spiritual master. According to him, the first thing that the effect of Guru Ninda does is, we begin losing interest from our own spiritual path, responsibilities etc. It was interesting to know that. Anyway, we shifted to various topics, chatting here and there, disclosing some secrets and unimaginable stuff done in life, smeared with jokes and laughter and we dropped the call after a few hours! It felt like a warm family indeed with each one coming in with their own unique energy!
One thing that stayed in my mind even after the meet was the Guru Ninda part. Truthfully, if I have to say it, I will accept that I have not been a good disciple. I don’t know how to behave in front of enlightened masters, how to talk with them, how to keep the ego in check etc. and yes, I can comfortably say that I have been one of the most down-trodden individuals who wants to reach the higher states of consciousness but efforts put for the same is not up to the mark, often making blunders in behavior and conduct even before a realized soul like Sri Maa!
As indicated by Sri Maa, some examples of Guru Ninda are:
- Committing something to your guru and not doing it
- Neglecting the tasks your guru has assigned you
- Not being transparent with your Guru
- Harboring doubts about your Guru
- Speaking ill or against your guru
- Momentarily forgetting that someone is your Guru
- Talking without mindfulness with your Guru
- Cribbing about your Guru and their decisions to others
- Avoiding Guru’s instructions in fear of consequences etc.
Surprisingly, at one point or the other, I have done all of the few points mentioned above. Recently, I was feeling very distracted, I was procrastinating more, my will power to do anything weakened. I was trying to do things in life but felt stagnated both spiritually as well as materially and suddenly, it all started making sense. I had committed Guru Ninda and I was facing the consequences and as recommended, I decided to do a one-day sadhana of Guru for seeking forgiveness.
Why to wait for an auspicious day to seek forgiveness, I thought. Next day, I woke up early, took a bath, spread my aasan (prayer mat) and sat down to do the Guru Sadhana. I had never done it before and the sight of seeing Guru Padukas placed lovingly at the altar, I felt emotional. I meditated for a bit on Sri Maa’s holy feet and a realization dawned upon me about which I will write in detail in the next post in this series. In a crux, I will say, a real spiritual Guru is the embodiment of the entire Guru Mandal for you!
Tears flowed down my cheeks. Until then, I didn’t know that my soul was crying all this while as my mind was unaware of the Guru Ninda’s effect but somehow my soul knew about the grave mistake. I burst out in tears, seeking forgiveness profusely from every Guru and enlightened being in this Universe that I, a moodha-mathey, a fool, could not even respect my Guru and here I was audaciously wishing to escape the cycle of birth and death with such a huge baggage of negative karma on my head!
After a few minutes, my one-day sadhana seeking forgiveness from the entire Guru Mandal was completed. Interestingly, from next day on, I started developing interest in my work. That I was procrastinating since a week, I finished it up within a day!
Well, as a person of folly, I still do procrastinate. I still want to lie down for five minutes more on the bed and still wish for a holiday from my workplace! By no means am I special but by Divine grace, I am growing spiritually and its by the grace of Guru only that I was able to spot a big hurdle on my path!
All by Her grace, Om tat sat!
I will throw light on my realization regarding Guru ninda in the next post.
Continued in Part 3
Om tat sat,
Chitra Om