October 23, 2024
Om tat sat!
My humble pranaam to Sri Devi Maa!
Continued from Part 2
5. You have to WALK the path.
I was happy and things looked sorted. I had found a Guru, I had a few people supporting my spiritual path, I loved Devi and Hanuman, I found a little relief from the sadness I was going through and I thought that if I would do what others were doing, that is, praying and chanting and thinking about elevated introspection questions, vile my time in my own head and by seeking my Sri Maa’s blessings, things will be all fine. I was partly right and majorly wrong.
The above mentioned things are pious but the problem was with me. I thought that society is terrible and I need an escape. Society has been like this and a few known as well as unknown people have made a difference here since time immemorial. The escapist mindset made me lazy, stagnant, weary and anxious as my work or duties would pile up while I would be having merry day dreams of Divine beside me. Undoubtedly, such imagination with one pointed concentration and beautiful emotion did bring me close to Devi emotionally, as it was almost like meditation but sadly, that is not enough.
I thought that I have given everything to Sri Maa, my Guru, so, I didn’t have to work much anymore, just life the way I like, that is be extremely lazy. I was wrong.
Sri Ramakrishna and Maa Sharada together initiated thousands of people, how many of them worked on themselves and reached the Divine? Lord Buddha had many followers in robes yet they had quarrels among themselves on petty matters! The point I am trying to make is that a Guru or a spiritual guide will show you the path, will stand by you when you falter but dear one, you have to do the walking. You have to use your own means and resources and walk the path, the path which is unique to you, a path which only you will trace! Remember, had you been so special, the Divine would have Herself taken you in her lap, given you enlightenment within a flash! But to receive that grace, one has to keep putting in efforts in the right direction. You have to WALK the path yourself and be a worthy recipient of Nature’s/Devi’s grace.
Each one of us is worthy of Divine grace but are you really putting in the efforts?
6. Take a break!
Whoa! I didn’t mean that you should burn yourself out in anxiety or guilt in case you have been lazy like me. Let me tell you truthfully, even till today, laziness hasn’t left me a hundred percent but I have become a lot less lazy! The idea is not to be perfect within a day, rather to improve than what we were before. Look back to the last six months, did your spiritual practices bring positive changes in you in the direction you want to progress in? If yes, pat your back, soldier, and if no, think again without being too harsh on yourself. And if it still is a no, dear one, you got to put in more efforts or maybe rethink your daily routine.
As far as I am concerned, I do feel bumps in my path. Whenever I am tired, sick, distracted beyond my own control, too angry or piled up under a load of work, I decide to take a break. Those days, I offer my daily prayers of 10–20 minutes, maybe do a little meditation if I wish to, chant for a few minutes instead of reminding myself to chant whenever possible and I do other things necessary or whatever I want to do! So, chanting is greatly reduced during those days when I wish for some release of emotion or anything. I don’t leave my key practices totally; I just reduce the time spent on it. This ensures continuity and its better to do something rather than nothing. And then, after a few days or maybe just one day, I go back to my regular routine!
That’s how I don’t exhaust myself. I return back to my chanting because of my yearning for Devi. I love Her. This human body sometimes demands break and I do give it some! But I always return back to my Devi!
Continued in Part 4.
-With love,
Chitra Om