2 min readJun 1, 2022


Thank you Momma for this beautiful reply. πŸ˜‡β€ My humble obeisance to you! πŸ™‡β€β™€οΈπŸ™‡β€β™€οΈπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—
Further, I will be writing something which is very strong in tone, so Maa, please read with a strong heart-
BTW, as far as I know, women weren't allowed to learn to read either. Women weren't allowed to vote, women weren't allowed to even go out of their homes too. Women weren't allowed to eat before men did, women weren't allowed to earn for themsleves. Women weren't allowed to even wear a pair of full length pants! And even today, there are some ridiculous brain-cells who think that women are just baby producing machines. And if women ain't allowed to learn these things then why does society want the women to give 'sanskaars' to kids? Why can't men stay at home and do it for their kids if they really are super-men who can learn, earn and are flagbearers of morality and religion? Why has not every man become a Buddha or a Ramakrishna with that "learning"?
No, Momma, you have shattered more shackles than those listed! I, as a little student and a devotee, look up to you to teach me. If you know the correct pronunciation, I would like to hear it from your very mouth. And if a knowledgeable person keeps away from it, then that person is making a little more space for the one who is talking gibberish.
Momma, I don't want to be harsh at all, I love you. I understand that you haven't taken formal training of that pronunciation, but I guess, many students are out there waiting for you to speak, so that they may learn. Learn it correctly irrespective of from a man, woman or a transgender. Knowledge has no gender and even Galileo was sentenced for life imprisonment when he claimed that Earth revolved around the sun. And the fun fact is, flat earthers were present back then and they are present even now, but only in few numbers. That's a good thing, isn't it?
Mommy🐧, I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable in any way. I am sorry if I am misunderstanding things or I am unable to see what the Divine has in store! I am really sorry Maa for that, but I spoke my heart. Please do what you feel like doing, in your own lovely way. πŸ™‡β€β™€οΈ I am sorry again Mommy...




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