Shri Hari’s blessings!
August 31, 2023
I offer my humble obeisance to my guru, Sri Hari and my eternal mother, Maa Lalita.
Today is the last day of the month of Savan, which extended for approximately two months this year, and it was my first such-a-long sadhana! As per the direction given by the Divine (sensed by intuition), my sadhana took a few different turns than what it started with, keeping the core part intact. Laziness did take over, but I didn’t give up and gave the best that I could, and yeah, Shri Hari graced me with the title Yogini.
Before jumping to conclusions about yoginis, please read this post by Sri Maa, my spiritual mentor: The Nine-Step Spiritual Process- 4
The dream
It was the last Ekadashi of the month of Savan on August 27th, 2023, when Shri Hari graced me beautifully! Shri Hari appeared in my dream in the form of Shri Maa.
In my dream, I saw that Shri Maa had arrived at my home to stay for a few days with her luggage, unannounced. I was elated to see her at our doorstep! She was welcomed and allotted a room without any question asked. She was helping us; I was sticking around her, and all was well. Suddenly, she asked me to fetch her something to wear.
Shri Maa was taller, chubbier and broader than me, but I didn’t want her to wear my mom’s clothes, which could obviously fit her well. I was stubborn. I wanted her to wear my clothes, and instantly, I dashed to my room and began searching for something loose in my wardrobe. I was digging at it with some silver lining in my heart, and I saw that Shri Maa lovingly walked in and sat beside me on the bed. I noticed that she had a mysterious smile that I didn’t ever see in any of her photographs. She was looking at me lovingly, but I chose to focus on the task at hand — to search for something loose for her — and I continued like a fanatic, turning all piles of clothes upside-down!
Out of the blue, I found a bright, shiny, brand-new white cloth. I pulled it out and said to her, “I will wear it today.” And I began searching something for her again! Then her phone rang; she picked it up and started walking towards the verandah. At that point, I accepted my defeat, gave up hunting for it in my wardrobe and finally asked my mom to fetch her a comfortable nighty. Shri Maa suddenly turned around and said that she didn’t want it anymore.
I was holding that white cloth in my hand, and my eyes widened suddenly. I realized that she gave me clothes similar to those of the sushrees and brahmacharinis of ashram. I was looking at her with awe as she walked away to the verandah. She wanted me to wear white clothes, and my heart was thumping. Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined that I would ever receive such white clothes!
It was an intense experience, and I tried to divert my mind to something else and then I woke up.
I mailed Shri Maa about this dream, and she revealed that it wasn’t her but Shri Hari in her form who had paid a visit to me, taking me completely into the Divine fold! She indicated that she too had a similar dream a few years ago, and it symbolizes that Shri Hari bestowed the title ‘yogini’ on me and that I may add that title to my name when I feel up to it.
I remembered that the smile that Shri Maa had in my dream was quite similar to Shri Hari’s, and I offered my pranaam to the ever-glorious Shri Hari.
A new beginning
Now, I was in a little fix. Shri Hari had offered me plain-white clothes, but I love colors! So, I honored the Divine Grace by wearing a white top that day but to honour my liking, I coupled it with a pair of Barbie-pink trousers. I told Shri Hari that I would continue to wear colorful clothes and I won’t do away with them. Furthermore, my intuition made me feel that it was time to be mindful.
Well, a few days have passed since Shri Hari graced me with white clothes in the dream. I can already focus better during my sadhana or meditation. I feel a bit closer to Shri Hari than I did before. And at the same time, my heart says that I am standing at crossroads where one path will take me to everything I wish for and the other will take me to something else. So, it’s better I start working on it! I really wish to live up to this beautiful title- Yogini.
Sri Hari Bhagwan ki jai!
If you ever meet me, you will see that I am a very normal human, not different from anyone else. And I say, my spiritual experiences are what a normal and average human has a capacity to go through! So, my friend, there is no need to think highly of me, and at the same time, I am not below you either. Lastly, allow me to quote Ram Dass-
“We’re all just walking each other home.”
Chitra Om.